Two guests in 2015.

It's that time of the year again! We're organizing the third Czechoslovakian Vlcak meeting for the SW/Pacific Coast region to take place mid-April.  This year, it is earlier in the Spring to (try to..) beat the California summer heat. 


These annual meet-ups are at the moment mainly a two-day breed social with planned activities such as hiking, playing in the ocean, and of course, good food and drinks.  As the breed numbers are still generally low and young, official activities such as organizing a breed specialty show or a bonitation have not really been on the table, although in the coming years it is something we can definitely look into.  In the past we have organized also health clinics, and training demonstrations can also be made a part of the curriculum...

Last year, the plans were organized around a Saturday hike in the beautiful Rancho Palos Verdes area, followed by a catered lunch and some good drinks overlooking the Pacific Ocean at Portuguese Bend.  Our night wrapped up with some take-out sushi, a raffle, some more drinks, and a lot of fun conversation.  We had a record number of individual owners in attendance along with some breed fanciers and owners of other breeds coming from mainly Southern California, but Las Vegas and Seattle as well.


Sunday was a fun day for the dogs at Huntington Dog Beach, after which they were also guests at Park Bench Cafe and Diner, a dog-friendly brunch spot a short trip from the beach.


Anyway, this year we will again organize it as a social.  In our plans already is an evening at a local new dog-friendly brewery... the rest of the plans are in the works...

Vlcaks at Huntington!
Vlcaks at Huntington!